All Things Colbry

All Things Colbry
All the Colbry's

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Preparing for our Trip to China

Although it has been a year long process to bring Eli home, it seems everyday some time is spent preparing for his arrival.  Some days were spent been painting his room.  Some were spent making a quilt for the beds. Last night it was filling out our Visa applications.
Today we purchsed some of the customary small gifts that will be given to various people when we travel to China.  The Orphanage director, the nannies, the foster family, notary officials, and registration officials.  We have done this twice before, we know now, they will be given to these people by someone other than ourselves, and often with other small gifts from other adoptive parents.  There is no gift that will convey our appreciation for careing for Eli for 12 years, other than us taking it from here, and doing the best we can to give him a family, a chance, hope.  So we looked at the list of preferred gifts, picked up  some that fit the description, and know it is not about how much we appreciate them, but about showing respect to a cultural custom.
We also purchased a few things to send to Eli.  Disposable camera's, bubbles, and we will put in a few pictures of our home and family.  This will probably be the last package we send to him!


  1. Handsome young man you have there! We're going some time this fall to bring our daughter Xue (also with albinism) home.

  2. Awsome Erin!! They are a blessing:)
