Noodles continue to be the main dietary choice. At least 2 meals a day. He has labled the cupboard where they are located in English and Chinese. Eli has been close by in the cooking of his noodles every meal, instructing us on just how to make them. He dictates what ingredients, how high to have the heat on, and how long to leave them cooking once you have added the eggs, meat, vegi's and greens. "5 mimints". So today, I just stood aside, and clearly we have been over accomodating the kid, he is perfectly careful, skilled and capable in the kitchen. He is also nearby when we enter the laundry room, he sorts clothing, loads and unloads washer's and dryers. We don't expect him to, but he would feel rejected if we refused at this point. Thank-you "China Mama"and "China Baba", who knows how many, or which one, but someone has taught this young man!
Eli loves to go into the guts of our basement into corners that have been long packed away. He will look at bins full of lego's, Rescue Hero's, and Castle peices in a heap all dismantled. "Baby's" he will exclaim! Then he will gently tug on the bin, interested. Every few day's he beckones us into the room, and out he comes with a new bin. "OK" we say, "Thank-you" he say's with more sincerity than a parent is used to. Then he plays for hours with toy's most kids his age have left behind. He comes up and down the stairs, grabbing screw drivers and replacing every dead battery in every Rescue Hero. Then he set's up each action hero into a fine display, ready for service. He is meticulous. He will build one intricate Lego boat/car/helicopter contraption to Jack's 15. Eli notices, but does not have the competitive nature of Jack, it doesn't phase him, he stay's focused on getting the one perfect Lego masterpeice. Today he found Lian's kitchen, first thing's first, replace the batteries! Later today I'm sure a grocery store will be organized with a working restaurant. I hope that means I don't have to cook dinner either;)
Now some pictures from our camping trip, which had a skate park nearby!
Grant, our helpful 15 year old son has gotten a job at a local very cool restaurant! We are so proud of him!
Jack practicing his drumming techniques while camping.
OK, a few fun quirkey things too- He LOVES the cat's. Last week he started hissing like a cat when it's mad or scared. We took him to get a trim around the back of his neck. He did not "lika" haircut. He sat in the chair to be compiant and obediant, but hissed at the girl like a cat as she trimmed! It was just too funny:D
Today as I was cleaning the bathroom's I was carrying my cleaning supplies in a little bin. He scooped it up and ran away with it. Into the garage he ran, with Hillary, Lian and I following. He hid the cleaning supplies! We searched around, Hillary finally finding them in the freezer. As we entered the house, Eli shouts in an announcer like voice "Hillary-1, Mommy- ZERO"